Saturday, 16 November 2019

Nivea Soothing Cleansing Oil - REVIEW

I am a great believer in cleansing oils and balms. They are the easiest and most efficient way to remove sunscreen and make up. I usually double cleanse in the evening, which means I first use oil or balm to break down all my make up, including eye makeup and then remove it either using a wet washcloth or by washing it off . After that I use a gel cleanser or low pH foaming cleanser to remove any residual oil or dirt left on the skin. For a long time we in Croatia had to  rely on more expensive, high end brands to purchase cleansing oils and balms, as those were the only ones available, or simply order on line. That is why I am thrilled that finally we have a cleansing oil available in a drugstore. It took NIVEA quite a bit to jump on the oil cleansing train but I am glad they did as this makes cleansing oils affordable and readily available in drugstores.

Ja sam veliki pobornik ulja  i balzama za čišćenje lica. Oni su najlakši i najučinkovitiji način uklanjanja kreme za sunčanje i šminke na kraju dana. Ja najčešće navečer primjenjujem double cleanse (dvostruko čišćenje) metodu , što znači da prvo koristim ulje ili balzam kako bi rastopila šminku, uključujući i šminku za oči, a  nakon toga koristim gel za čišćenje lica kako bih uklonila zaostalo ulje ili prljavštinu. U Hrvatskoj smo se morali do sada oslanjati na skuplje brandove jer su oni bili jedini koji su u ponudi imali ulja i balzame za čišćenje (Shiseido, Clinique) ili jednostavno naručivati putem interneta. Zbog toga mi je zaista drago da je Nivea prigrlila trend ulja za čišćenje i da su sada lako dostupna svima i po prihvatljivoj cijeni (56,90 kn).

Nivea offers three types of cleansing oil:
Hydrating Cleaning Oil with natural coconut oil
Nourishing Cleansing Oil with natural macadamia oil
Soothing Cleansing Oil with natural grape seed oil
(The emphasis on natural in product name makes me roll my eyes so hard)
I picked up the Soothing Cleansing Oil for no other reason than it had a purple bottle, I like purple.

Nivea nudi tri vrste ulja za čišćenje:
Hidratantno ulje za čišćenje s prirodnim kokosovim uljem
Hranjivo ulje za čišćenje s prirodnim uljem makadamije
Umirujuće ulje za čišćenje s prirodnim uljem sjemenki grožđa
(Naglasak na prirodno u imenu proizvoda je…presmješan)
Ja sam izabrala umirujuće ulje jer ima  ljubičastu bočicu, eh, volim ljubičastu.

Ingredients list /popis sastojaka:
Paraffinum Liquidium, Caprrylic/Capric Triglyceride, Isopropyl Palmitate, Isododecane, Ethylhexyl Stearate, PEG 20 Glyceryl Triisostearate, Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil, Tocopherol

So the highlighted ingredient grape seed oil (Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil) is almost the last ingredient and they are listed according to quantity they appear in the product from biggest to smallest quantity. So it is safe to assume you are not getting a whole lot of grape seed oil in this product but what you are getting a lot of is mineral oil (Paraffinium Liquidium) which is a clear, odorless oil derived from petrolatum. Mineral oil is a very polarizing ingredient  that some fear like a plague. Just the fact that it is derived from crude oil is not very sexy or attractive but it is cheep. Of course, mineral oil used in cosmetics is the cosmetics grade mineral oil that does not contain contaminants. I don't mind mineral oil in cleansing oil as it does not stay on your skin long and as long as it does it job and washes off and the product is sufficiently affordable to reflect the fact such a cheep ingredient is present in the largest quantity. However, I would suggest as always to do your own research and come to your own conclusions on any ingredient, no skin is the same or reacts the same. 

Istaknuti sastojak  ovog ulja za čišćenje je ulje sjemenki grožđa (Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil), a ako pogledate listu sastojaka to je predzadnji sastojak. Ako se uzme u obzir da su sastojci navedeni prema količini u kojoj se pojavljuje u proizvodu od najveće do najmanje količine, može se pretpostaviti da u ovom proizvodu nećete dobiti puno ulja sjemenki grožđa, ali ono čega ćete dobiti puno je mineralno ulje (Paraffinium Liquidium). To je bistro ulje bez mirisa dobiveno prilikom rafiniranja nafte. Mineralno ulje je vrlo polarizirajući sastojak kojeg se neki boje poput kuge. Sama činjenica da se dobiva iz sirove nafte nije baš seksi ili atraktivna, ali je zato je to jeftin sastojak. Naravno, mineralno ulje koje se koristi u kozmetici je kozmetičko mineralno ulje koje ne sadrži nečistoće. Meni osobno ne smeta mineralno ulje u uljima za čišćenje lice jer se zadržava na koži vrlo kratko i sve dok djeluje i da se dobro oprati, a proizvod je dovoljno pristupačan da odražava činjenicu da je to sastojak koji je izuzetno jeftin prisutan u najvećoj količini. Međutim, predlažem kao i uvijek da sami istražite sastojak i dođete do svojih zaključaka jer nijedna koža nije ista niti reagira isto.

The 150 ml of cleansing oil comes with a pump dispenser that is a bit stiff. Oil itself is a bit heavy feeling and it does not have the kind of slip I like ( it is not slippy enough). I did not notice any eyesight blurring when removing eye-makeup with it. 

150 ml ulja za čišćenje dolazi u bočici s pumpicom koje je malo tvrda. Ulje je samo po sebi ima pomalo težak osjećaj i nema onu vrstu klizanja po koži koja meni paše (nije dovoljno klizav). Nisam primijetila da zamuti vid kada se koristi za skidanje šminke s očiju. 

It manages to break down and remove makeup with having slight trouble with a mascara (not waterproof). It emulsifies and washes off but leaves a film on the skin, even when used in combination with a washcloth. As mineral oil is an occlusive ingredient and you do not want an occlusive layer on your skin before you put your nightly skincare I would recommend to double cleanse when using this oil to make sure to remove the residual occlusive layer of mineral oil, especially if you suffer from acne. 

Easily available

Does not wash off completely
Requires double cleansing
Heavy feeling

Uspijeva rastopiti i ukloniti šminku  a malo se mući s maskarom (nije vodootporna). Emulgira se i ispire, ali ostavlja film na koži, čak i kada se koristi u kombinaciji s frotirom za lice. Kako je mineralno ulje okluzivni sastojak , a okluzivni sloj na koži prije nego što nanesete noćnu njegu  nije nwšto što želite, preporučila bih dvostruko čišćenje kada koristite ovo ulje kako biste bili sigurni da ste uklonite zaostali okluzivni sloj mineralnog ulja, posebno ako imate kožu sklonu aknama ili masnu kožu.

Cijenovno pristupačno
Lako dostupno

Ne ispire se u potpunosti
Zahtijeva dvostruko čišćenje
Težak osjećaj na licu

I am glad that cleansing oils are becoming readily available, however this one is lacking, formulation wise, when compared to its Asian counterparts that feel better on the skin and wash off easier. If this is your first cleansing oil I think you will probably enjoy using it but more nitpicky users like myself will probably find it lacking. Just remember everything is better than makeup wipes. 

Drago mi je da ulja za čišćenje postaju lako dostupna, međutim ovo ulje zaostaje što se tiče formule  za Japanskim i Južno Korejskim proizvodima koji daju bolji osjećaj na koži i lakše se ispiru. Ako vam je ovo prvo ulje za čišćenje, mislim da će vam se vjerojatno svidjeti, ali ako  redovito koristite ulja za čišćenje i izbirljivi ste poput mene mislim da  vas neće oduševiti. U svakom slučaju sve je bolje od korištenja maramica za skidanje šminke.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

ELRA STORY Alpine Remedy Healing Serum

ELRA STORY is relatively new kbeauty brand ( at least for me).  The serum which is supposed to help calm and heal irritated skin currently costs 14.11 USD on Jolse which makes it seriously affordable. It highlighted ingredients are Centella Asiatica and edelweiss extracts to soothe and protect the skin. Niacinamide and vitamin tree extracts to help brighten the skin and Propolis to rejuvenate the skin. Serum comes in a 30 ml plastic bottle with a pipette. Very clean looking design. Serum itself is watery (thicker then water) and light green in color. It sinks into skin and looses initial stickiness some 40 sec after application. It has a light fresh scent. The entire thing looks and feels fresh.

ELRA STORY je relativno novi kbeauty brand (barem za mene). Ovaj serum koji bi trebao pomoći smiriti i pomoći pri zacjeljivanju nadražene kože trenutno košta 14,11 USD na Jolse-u, što ga čini ozbiljno pristupačnim. Istaknuti sastojci su ekstrakti  biljke Centella Asiatica i runolista koji umiruju i štite kožu. Niacinamid i ekstrakt moringe (drvo života) pomažu kod hiperpigmentacije kože, a Propolis je tu da pomogne pomlađivanju. Serum dolazi u plastičnoj bočici od 30 ml s pipetom. Vrlo svježeg i jednostavnog dizajna. Sam serum je vodenast (gušći od vode) i svijetlozelene je boje. Upija se u kožu i gubi početnu ljepljivost nekih 40 sekundi nakon nanošenja. Ima lagan svjež miris. Izgleda svježa i ostavlja dojam svježine na koži.

Ingredients list/ lista sastojaka: Leontopodium Alpinum Extract, Glycerine, Pentylene Glycol, 1,2- Hexanediol, Niacinamide, Gnaphalium Leontopodium Flower Extract, Propolis Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Zizyphus Jujuba Fruit Extract, Ocimum Basilicum Leaf Extract, Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract, Achilles Millefolium Extract, Artemisia Absinthium Extract, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Coccinia Indica Fruit Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Origanum Vulgare Leaf Extract, Olea Europaea Leaf Extract, Curcuma Longa (Tumeric) Root Extract, Corallina Officinalis Extract, Thymus Vulgaris Leaf Extract, Mimosa Tenuiflora Leaf Extract, Wine Extract, Allantoin, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Ocimum Basilicum Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Fruit Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcus Peel Oil, Citrus Grandis Peel Oil, Salvia Sclarea Oil, Fructan, Polysorbate 20, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba Gum, Maltodextrin, Decyl Glucoside, Phenethyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid. 

It has some amazing ingredients like Niacinamide, Propolis, Absorbic Acid, Centella Asiatica and 77% edelweiss extract, an antioxidant with skin soothing and rejuvenating benefits.
I would not recommend this to people with sensitive skin due to added fragrance that can cause skin irritation ( Bergamot Oil, Orange Peel Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil) or to people who suffer from fungal acne as there are ingredients that could trigger them (Polysorbate 20 and Hippophae Rhamnoides). It could be worrying that it is stored in a see through package while containing Vitamin C that is super sensitive to light and air. However, I suppose it contains very little amount of Ascorbic Acid so oxidation is not an issue. All in all, I'm enjoying this serum. I just wish brands in general would stop putting skin sensitizing ingredients for the sake of smelling nice. Regarding its claims I did notice its calming effect on the skin,  but it is too early to tell if it will brighten or help rejuvenate the skin. It is a very refreshing serum and Niacinamide helps control and balance the sebum production which makes it an ideal product for summer. (Ironically, I am writing this review in the middle of Autumn). 

Serum sadrži odlične sastojke poput niacinamida, propolisa, vitamina c,  ekstrakta biljke Centella Asiatica i 77% ekstrakta runolista- antioksidansa koji umiruje i pomlađuje kožu. Bez obzira na navedene odlične sastojke, ne bih  preporučila ovaj proizvod osobama sa osjetljivom kožom zbog dodanog parfema koji može izazvati iritaciju kože (Bergamotovo ulje, ulje korice narandže, ulje grejpa, cvjetnog ulja pelargonije Graveolens) ili ljudima koji pate od gljivičnih akni jer postoje sastojci koji bi mogli izazvati gljivične akne (polisorbat 20 i Hippophae Rhamnoides). S obzirom da sadrži vitamin C koji je super osjetljiv na svjetlost i zrak malo je zabrinjavajuće da se nalazi u prozirnoj bočici. Ipak, pretpostavljam da sadrži vrlo malo količine vitamina C, tako da oksidacija nije problem. Iako ja osobno uživam u ovom serumu, jer je ugodan pri aplikaciji i ne izaziva nikakve negativne reakcije kod mene, poželim da brandovi općenito prestanu stavljati sastojke koje pojačavaju osjetljivost kože samo radi lijepog mirisa. Od učinaka primijetila sam da doista smiruje kožu i ublažava iritaciju, što se tiče pomlađivanja i prosvjetljivanja kože to još nisam primijetila. Serum je vrlo osvježavajući a niacinamid pomaže kontrolirati proizvodnju sebuma što ga čini idealnim serumom za tople ljetne dane. (Naravno, ja recenziju pišem usred jeseni.)

Sunday, 9 June 2019

My MAC lipstick collection / Moja kolekcija MAC ruževa

I will try something new from now on and post bilingual posts in English and Croatian. And as MAC has been available for some time in my neck of the woods I thought it might be useful to post swatches of the shades I have, maybe someone will find something they might like.

Od sada ću probati objavljivati postove na engleskom i hrvatskom. Kako je MAC dostupan već neko vrijeme kod nas pomislih da bi moglo biti zgodno da objavim swatcheve nijansi koje imam pa možda netko spazi nešto što im se svidi. 

MAC lipstick have sort of a cult status. They come in a bullet like case and have the signature sweet vanilla scent. They come in endless number of shades and in several finishes. I have lipsticks in 5 finishes and I think I will group them according to finish for this post.

MAC ruževi imaju svojevrstan kult status. Pakiranje izgleda poput metka a ruževi imaju sladak miris vanilije. Na izbor vam je beskrajan broj nijansi u nekoliko vrsta ruževa. Ja osobno imam pet vrsta MAC ruževa  i mislim da ću ih grupirati po vrsti za ovaj post.  

Probably my favorite finish of all MAC lipsticks. I find it the most comfortable and easy to wear as it is quite sheer and very forgiving. Because it is so emollient and sheer it is not very long lasting but I personal don't mind reapplying. If you like me have a problem finding wearable nudes than luster finish is for you, as the sheer finish will not wash you out even if color is very light. My favorites are Syrup, Patisserie and Plumful.

Luster MAC ruževi su mi najomiljeniji. Ugodni su i lagani te nisu previše pigmentirani. Jer su toliko kremasti i sjajni nisu jaku dugotrajni, meni osobno  ne smeta nanositi ruž nekoliko puta dnevno. Ako kao ja imate problema naći nosivi nude ruž tada MAC Lustre ruževi mogu biti rješenje za vas jer čak i vrlo svijetle boje će biti nosive zbog laganog izgleda ruža. Moje omiljene nijanse su Syrup, Patisserie and Plumful.

From top to bottom: Syrup (cloudy pink), Viva Glam V (Warm Pink with a Pearl - I think this one might be discontinued and that is unfortunate) , High Tea (Peachy Shimmery Beige - cannot find it on the site either),  Plumful (Blossoming Rose-Plum), Patisserie (Sheer Creamy Neutral Pink)
My second favorite MAC lipstick finish, very creamy and easy to apply and more pigmented then Luster lipsticks. Not particularly long wearing  but still lasts a bit longer than luster ones.  My favorites are Sunny Seoul and Peach Blossom.

Moji drugi omiljeni MAC ruževi za usne, vrlo kremasti i lagani za nanošenje te pigmentiraniji od Luster ruževa. Nisu osobito dugotrajni ali traju duže od Luster ruževa. Moje omiljene nijanse su Sunny Seoul i Peach Blossom.

From top to bottom: Sunny Seoul (Warm Pink with Pearl), Peach Blossom (Frosted cool Nude), Hot Gossip ( Mid-tone Pinky Plum), Modesty (Muted Neutral Pink), Creme in your Coffee (Creamy mid-tone Pink-Brown)


Now we are going into highly pigmented long lasting group. Of these Satin finish is most comfortable to wear while Matte is very long lasting but still quite comfortable while Retro Matte has the beautiful Matte finish but I find them rather drying. My favorites are Brave, Russian Red and Diva.

Sada smo došli do jako pigmentirane, dugotrajne skupine ruževa. Od svih njih najlakše je nositi Satin ruževe,  Matte ruževi su vrlo dugotrajni  ali još uvijek ugodni za nošenje, dok Retro Matte ima prekrasan mat završni sloj, ali isušuju usne. Moje omiljenje nijanse su Brave Russian Red i Diva.

From top to Bottom: Brave (Satin -Pink Beige with White Perl), Faux (Satin - Muted Mauve Pink), Russian Red (Matte - Intense Bluish Red), Diva (Matte - Intense Reddish Burgundy), Ruby Woo (Retro Matte -Very Matte Vivid Blue Red), All Fired Up (Retro Matte - Bright Fuchsia Matte)

These lipstick will cost you around $18.50 in the USA and around  EUR 21.50 in Europe or Around 160 HRK in Croatia.

Ovi ruževi će vas koštati oko 18,50 dolara u SAD-u, 21,50 eura u Europi ili oko 160  kuna u Hrvatskoj.

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Pyunkang Yul Moisture Cream - review

Before I start talking about the Pyunkang Yul Moisture Cream let me tell you what I want form my face cream. I do not expect my face cream to work miracles, I have serums and ampules chock full of actives to do the heavy lifting. What I want from my face cream is to be occlusive and lock in moisture and everything else I have put on my skin before it. I want it to be comfortable, pleasant to use and to play nicely with my sun screen and makeup. Pyunkang Yul Moisture Cream does all that. 

Pyunkang Yul is the brand launched by the renowned Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Clinic in South Koea, an institution known for treating atopic skin disorders. As they say themselves,  Pyunkang Yul  believes that cosmetics are a means of protecting the skin. They have removed all unnecessary chemical substances from their products to utilize only the minimum,safest components to protect and provide respite to your tired and irritated skin. Pyunkang Yul is a cruelty free brand. 

The cream comes in a dark blue glass jar, whose color is reminiscent of old apothecary bottles. Packaging is minimal, classy and evokes confidence that whatever is inside, it will be good for you. Kudos to their design team. The outer cardboard packaging is the same dark blue with a sticker containing information both in Korean and English including the ingredients list (grammatically and semantically correct English). 

Looking at the ingredients list the only "sexy" ingredient is Coptis Japonica Root Extract, an extract of a plant called Coptis Japonica used in  traditional medicine. Coptis Japonica Root Extract is said  to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-infection properties. Which means its main purpose is to calm and hydrate the skin. Besides the Coptis Japonica Root Extract the cream is chock full of emollients and humectants like Butylene Glycol, Jojoba Seed Oil and Shea Butter. 


The cream comes in whopping 100 ml and has no artificial scent. Texture at first glance seems thick and even greasy, however it is exactly the opposite. It is very comfortable cream, lightweight, absorbs easily and leaves no tacky finish. Once you apply it it turns into almost lotion like texture and gives the feeling of skin being quenched in moisture. It is extremely gentle moisturizer which leads me to believe it would be suitable for all skin types, even the sensitive skin. Once applied it leaves the skin soft and moisturized. 

I have been using this cream all through past Autumn and Winter and I am very happy with it. I would recommend this cream to anyone but especially to people with sensitive skin. It can be purchased at JOLSE  for USD 25.84. This might seem steep to some but it does come in 100 ml while most other face creams come in 50 ml sizes and if you have a hard time finding something that does not irritate your skin I think this one is worth a try. It is 10/10 from me. Great moisturizer that delivers everything you might want form a face cream. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Beauty of Joseon Revitalize Sleeping Mask

I have this complicated relationship with sleeping packs or masks. Half of my brain thinks they are basically glorified night creams and the other half is going "I am sleeping in a face mask! How awesome is that!  Look at me on top of my skin care game!". The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. While sleeping packs are basically the occlusive step of your night routine they do tend to be more moisturizing and more occlusive then your regular run of the mill cream and that is why I religiously use them every single night. 

Beauty of Joseon, the company that became known thanks to its Dynasty Cream, that basically went viral on k-beauty scene few years ago. The whole philosophy and aesthetic is based on the "ancient beauty secrets of Joseon royalty".  It is a bit gimmicky but at the same time enchanting. As I really like their Dynasty Cream I was keen to try the sleeping mask too.

Same as the Dynasty Cream the packaging is lovely. Heavy, frosted plastic jar that looks just like glass and will look gorgeous on any vanity. Texture of the products is pudding like and slippery. Best to use a spatula to take it out of the jar (it comes with its own spatula). It is contains fragrance but not unpleasantly so. The light floral fragrance does not linger once applied on the face. You get 80 ml of product. 

The three marketed ingredients are:

  • Black soybean – moisturising, reduces signs of ageing by allegedly improving elasticity, it also has antioxidant properties
  • Ginseng – anti-ageing, smooths, brightens and rejuvenates skin
  • Orchid extract – antioxidant benefit, moisturising, smoothes and softens skin 
Which sounds awesome, however all those ingredients are pretty much on the bottom of the ingredients list so it is questionable in which amounts all these hanbang goodies are present in the pack. That said, this mask pack is rich with occlusives, emollients and humectants. Basically, all the things you want in a sleeping mask.It promises brightening and anti-wrinkle functions. I did not see much brightening and anti-wrinkle is impossible to objectively test. It also promises that you will wake up with  with a softer and more supple complexion, and it delivers that. Skin is well moisturized, soft and even a tiny bit firmer when you wake up. I especially enjoyed it during winter as it helped keep my skin moisturized overnight in the dry, central heating air. 

It usually costs around 30 USD but currently it can be found for around USD 20 on Jolse. Which is the price I could live with, the full price of 30 USD seems too high for what it offers. If I am going to throw money on a hanbang sleeping pack I would go for Sulwhasoo Overnight Vitalizing Treatment (120 ml for USD 50), which remains my favorite sleeping pack of all times.